Microservices – Fred George’s style

It seems like everybody is talking about Microservices nowadays. People cannot agree on whether it’s just good old SOA done right or a significant mental shift, many are afraid that this is not a safe approach for most teams and the hype might cause disasters. Many discussions regard semantics and basic building blocks. People try to put Microservices in some box and say “here, this is how you do it”. I think this is not very useful.

Last December I attended YOW Conference. There were a few presentations of people that have experience with Microservices in production. What I found most interesting is that every single one of them had different approach. There’s no one-size-fits-all and it’s a really good thing. I also attended a workshop run by Fred George, whose experience with Microservices spans across at least 3 different companies and over 10 years. The approach he promotes seems to go against many familiar “good practices”, yet, I think it’s fascinating and valuable.

At the workshop we were working on functionality that picked the best offers for the given customer (let’s say there were rental cars specials). There was a central, global offers repository, there were also local, regional offers, there were rules that specified which offers are available for specific demographic or customer type (e.g. only for those with golden status), we also had some data specifying past behaviour of the customers, etc. Each part of the system had a separate storage mechanism and was completely independent of the others. They communicated via a single RabbitMQ channel. At the final stage another service took all offers suggestions for the given customer and picked a few that were the best match (the ranking was based on probability of promotion being used and potential profit). For more detailed description of the problem check out slides from Fred’s presentation.

We were given implementation of the first service. Our task, as a group of about 5-6 devs, was to add more of them. At first I wasn’t fully aware how much what I already know gets in the way. My first inclination was to create new channels, organize messages in topics, we wanted to have various message types, smart routing and all this stuff… Those are basics, right, that can’t be over-engineering. It will be easier to extend… Well, but we weren’t even sure whether there will be any extensions. Ouch… Turns out all that stuff wasn’t necessary at all.

The approach Fred proposed was so simple that it was hard to believe. It was really dumb and wasteful, it felt so wrong… In short: the original message was broadcasted to all services, each of them had a kind of built-in filter (usually one or two if statements) that decided whether the service should even bother to do anything (in practice most of the received messages were ignored), then service modified incoming message by adding some extra information to it and… sent it back to the same channel it came from. Each service used only small piece of information available in the message (e.g. only 2 out of 10 properties). And… pretty much that was it.

It’s surprising how uncomfortable people felt with this approach. You could see the resistance, there were lots of questions, mostly focused on trying to come up with scenarios where this approach wouldn’t work. We were smarter than that. We knew there are lots of patterns and tools that could make this better (more scalable, sophisticated, elegant… you name it).

But in the end none of this was necessary. It worked. It was good enough. It was easy to understand and elegant (although looked much better in Ruby than in C#:)). We wouldn’t hit performance issues any time soon, even though each service received plenty of irrelevant messages. We could easily introduce more channels or topics if our system would become bigger, but that was a distant future. Each service was minimalistic, clean and contained all relevant information, thus the risk of introducing bugs was low. If I needed to modify (or create) a single service, I wouldn’t need to understand all the others, so the maintanance costs would be low too.

uSwitch succesfully uses this approach in production for a few years. It gave them unique business advantages. Apart from things discussed above I was shocked to learn that they got rid of basically all tests. Only a few years ago they were a poster child for succesful adoption of Specification by Example. Instead, they invested heavily in KPIs monitoring. Seems to be working way better for them. They’re ultra-agile, super-fast, experiment a lot and started making lots of money.

To wrap up – I’m really impressed with Fred’s take on Microservices. Although I still don’t feel fully comfortable with this approach, I see that it perfectly matches to what guys at uSwitch (and few other companies) are doing. Generally people reject the idea, they don’t think it’s “how things should be done”, if feels wrong, even if they agree that might be good for some scenarios they’re sure it wouldn’t work in their specific setting. That might be true. It surely doesn’t fit every context (e.g. trading company could go bankrupt before getting any KPIs for the day). But I suspect that if we thought hard enough about our hidden assumptions we might discover that it fits more contexts than we would expect at first.

I’m not sure wheter I’ll be able to use this exact approach any time soon, but I’ve learned a few things that can be easily applied to any setting:

  • Even though I’m rather careful in this area, I still over-engineer. I jump to familiar solutions and patterns, before asking myself whether I even need them. Doing the “simplest thing that works” sounds very easy, but is extremely hard to practice and requires a lot of effort as our knowledge and experience grows.
  • Life teaches us that developers are not very good in predicting future (see discussions on estimates), so usually we don’t know which piece of code will be extended and how. Simplicity and minimalism have higher chances of paying off than “building for extensibility” (a.k.a. adding pre-mature abstractions and unnecessary complexity).
  • “Business” is often willing to accept much more than we would expect. It’s good to start with determining what Udi Dahan calls “anti-requirements”, before thinking about solutions to expressed requirements. Business might be ok with losing some money occasionally or even occassionally suboptimal solutions, if they make more money faster overall. We might think we know what “anti-requirements” are, but until we ask we just limit ourselves (and very often we’re wrong anyway).
  • The same things that give us unique advantages tend to have unique costs. Sometimes technical limitations force us to rethink business requirements and change the way company operates. Just because something is not a “standard cost”, don’t assume that business won’t be willing to give it a try. Ask. Explain. Discuss. Let them do their business things, such as managing risks and costs or defining success criteria. You just keep asking and exposing hidden assumptions.
  • Some “technical” problems are in fact people and/or process problems. Replacing tests with KPIs monitoring might seem like an interesting technical challenge. But somebody had to decide what we measure and how. Somebody had to agree to the risk and sacrificing small, temporary loses for the sake of long-term speed, fexibility and profitability. A lot of people had to think out-of-the-box, and not all of them were developers. Lots of interesting, original solutions appear, when a diverse group works on them. I think we often don’t appreciate enough how valuable is to discuss our challenges with people who have a completely different perspective.
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2 thoughts on “Microservices – Fred George’s style

  1. Matt

    I’ve also seen Fred at YOW twice. Was Fred’s workshop worth forking out the cash for? I’m a contractor, so it will be self-funded and there are more workshops coming up. Do you think it was money well spent?

    1. Weronika Łabaj Post author

      For me – yes. The only downside – if you’re unlucky with the group you’d work with, then it might be hard to get anything working which is frustrating.
      I benefited a lot, because I had no working experience with microservices, but already had some “passive” knowledge (from presentations, articles, etc.). Fred’s ideas really challenged my way of thinking and how I wanted to approach the problem.
      I think it would be also beneficial for somebody who already did microservices (or similar thing) at work. The usual approach is quite different, so again – opportunity to learn something new, look at familiar things from fresh perspective, even if you decide to stick to your way it makes you re-examine some decisions. Some people found it hard and fought with Fred a lot. Which for me is a good sign;)


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